A handful of projects to better use my MacBook Pro 13" 2015.
It can be harmful, while pursuing longtermism, to constantly rid yourself of bloated hardware for better hardware. Use what ya got.
I run macOS Catalina on this device, and occasionally start up a VM to run linux. While I would like the flexibility to use this device without starting up any GUI, I manage to live almost entirely in a terminal emulator.
mac software
- Kitty
- Mutt
- Tmux & Mosh: For staying connected without a blimp with my remote computers and Raspberry Pis.
- Vim: for writing, programming, and viewing text files
- w3m & lynx: for browsing the web.
- weechat: for IRC (usually run remotely over tmux & mosh)
- cordless
- Firefox: for full web browsing.
- amfora: Gemini client
- gmni: Gemini client
- Lagrange: Gemini client
- Castor: Gemini, Gopher, and Finger client
- maccy: clipboard manager
- Rectangle: for keyboard-operated window management
- Homebrew: for package management
incoming(1): computer